
All information on our website is for informational purposes only - without warranty, general information, for educational purposes only.

The products we sell are not medicines, are not a substitute for medical treatment, are collectors' items only, and should only be purchased by persons over the age of 18. If you have any questions about the use of our products or any possible drug interactions, please consult a doctor before using any of our products.
The information on this website does not constitute medical or professional advice or a statement.

Any information contained on this website should not be construed as advice, nor should it be treated as advice or a substitute for medical diagnosis.

We make no representations or warranties about the health information contained in this website.

You may not use or rely on the information contained in this website as a substitute for medical advice from your physician or other professional health care providers.

Based on your own experience, if you believe you are suffering from any health problem, you should seek medical advice immediately.

You should never delay visiting your doctor and seeking advice, ignore your doctor's advice, or stop treatment recommended by your doctor because of information on our website or provided to you by us.

None of the information contained herein should be considered a proper medical diagnosis or construed as medical advice or recommended treatment.

If you are considering changing your lifestyle, diet or eating habits, you should first consult your doctor or health care professional.

Our website may contain links to third party websites. We provide these links to you only as a convenience and do not endorse these sites.

We are not responsible for the content of any such linked third party sites and make no representations whatsoever about the material on such linked third party sites.

If you choose to access or rely on information contained in linked third party websites, you do so at your own risk.

Our website does not promote, not endorse, not suggest or not support the use of any legal or illegal drugs or psychotropic substances or any addictive lifestyle. Always use your best judgment when making decisions.

Our company cannot be held responsible for any material on our websites or on the sites we link to that promote, condone or endorse legal or illegal drug use or illegal activities. Our company is not responsible for any misuse of the information on our website, nor is our company responsible for the use of the information by anyone.

The information on our website reflects the status as at the date of writing and should be regarded as a "live", correctable tool, the content of which is subject to change without notice.